In canine cranial cruciate ligament rupture is outcome following TPLO improved compared with lateral suture?

  • Catrina Pennington Royal Veterinary College Hawkshead Ln, Brookmans Park, Hatfield AL9 7TA
  • Mark Morton Chestergates Veterinary Specialists Units E&F Telford Court Chestergates Road Chester CH1 6LT
  • Ben Walton Chestergates Veterinary Specialists Units E&F Telford Court Chestergates Road Chester CH1 6LT



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PICO question

In dogs over 15 kg, with cranial cruciate ligament rupture is there evidence of improved outcome following tibial plateau levelling osteotomy or lateral fabellotibial suture?

Clinical bottom line

Although the evidence is not conclusive, the literature reviewed here suggests that tibial plateau levelling osteotomy (TPLO) results in superior limb function and owner satisfaction compared to placement of a lateral fabellotibial suture (LFS).

There is currently insufficient evidence to determine if there is a difference in complication rates or osteoarthritis (OA) development following TPLO or LFS.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Author Biography

Catrina Pennington, Royal Veterinary College Hawkshead Ln, Brookmans Park, Hatfield AL9 7TA

Clinical Fellow in Small Animal Surgery


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Vol. 4 No. 3 (2019): The third issue of 2019

Section: Knowledge Summaries

Categories :  Small Animal  /  Dogs  /  Cats  /  Rabbits  /  Production Animal  /  Cattle  /  Sheep  /  Pig  /  Equine  /